Sharon Day - Oct 2th, 2022
We participated in a community town event to spread interest stem and inspire the people in our community.
Revamped Scratch Coding Camp - Feb 7th, 2022
This event is going to be focused on teaching the basics of Python coding. The class will be similar to the Scratch Camp in it's configuration, as it will be split up into 3 different projects and take place over several days. We are planning to host these meetings at 12:30 P.M. on both March 10th and March 17th.
Book Club - Feb 6th, 2022
We hosted a 10-week book club in partnership with our library. We read novels with STEM-related themes. For this program we put together a weekly curriculum and read books including “The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind” and “The Thing About Jellyfish”, teaching kids the constructs and themes of English while reading educational books that encourage learning and stem.
Stem Buildfest - Jan 7th, 2022
We mapped out an idea for an event around the theme of transportation. In order to spread STEM among kids, we wanted to make it accessible to all ages. We chose three unique simple STEM transportation projects to show kids how to build; these included a paper airplane, a catapult, and a parachute. We got in contact with another Sharon-based team called the “Tech Tigers”. We started off by showing them how to make different types of paper airplanes. Then we showed them how to make simple catapults and simple parachutes. After making their own vehicle, each time they raced them and whoever got the furthest got candy. In the end, we demoed our robot to the kids and they all were very excited to see it move.
Walkathon - March 10 &17, 2021
This was a great experience and a lot of the kids and parents who saw our robot said they were interested in FLL and FTC. The Challenging Cheetahs hosted a great event, and I think we did a good job presenting our robot and explaining how it worked. We would all be interested in participating in an event like this in the future, and this event was a cool example for us of something we could do in the future.
Python Coding Class - March 10 &17, 2021
This event is going to be focused on teaching the basics of Python coding. The class will be similar to the Scratch Camp in it's configuration, as it will be split up into 3 different projects and take place over several days. We are planning to host these meetings at 12:30 P.M. on both March 10th and March 17th.
Scratch Coding Class - Feb 14th-18th, 2021
We hosted a Scratch Coding camp during February break. This event was hosted through zoom and where we taught 8 fun and unique projects.
Game Show - Jan 2, 2021
We hosted a series of robotics-themed game shows. We based our games on family favorites like Family Feud, Jeopardy, and The goal of this event is to have fun as a First Robotics Community.
Robo-fest - Nov 27th, 2020
On Friday, November 27th at 12 PM, our team hosted our online Thanksgiving Robofest via zoom, due to COVID. The Thanksgiving Robofest was an event that taught young kids about different facets of STEM and Robotics in a fun and interactive way.
Python Basics Course - Sept 7, 2020
Teaching the basics of the programming language, python, in a 5-day long programming course, starting on Sept 7, 2020. this course was taught by our experienced team members Sharon high school, due to covid regulations